Primary School lined pages for handwriting
I am a pediatric therapist and work on handwriting skills with elementary aged children. It would be great to have 1” and 3/4” lines pages with the dotted middle line for environmentally friendly practicing in black/white & colored lines. Thanks!
Comments: 6
08 Jun, '21
Rocketbook Team Admin"Handwriting page" (suggested by Camisha P Duffy on 2021-06-08), including upvotes (0) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
21 Jun, '21
Rocketbook Team Admin"Kindergarten writing lines" (suggested by Carolina Hernandez on 2021-06-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
02 Jul, '21
AndreaI'm an adult with large handwriting, although not quite an inch of height. On ruled paper, my lines kind of run together. Descenders sometimes touch the bottom of the next line, and ascenders sometimes cross over the top of their line as well. My handwriting barely fits the page rule. If this were available, I could make the switch to paper that fits my handwriting, instead of trying to change my handwriting to fit the paper.
29 Sep, '21
Kelley U. Admin"First Grade Lined Paper" (suggested by Erika Brown on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Sep, '21
Kelley U. Admin"wide rule lined paper" (suggested by Erika Brown on 2021-09-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Dec, '22
Rhonda DavisI am an Occupational Therapist Assistant and I work with special needs students. 3 lined paper would be greatly appreciated. With a dotted middle line 3/4”. Black and white would work. In hopes of red bottom line in the future. Thank you for consideration!