Evernote Reminder (and other metadata) to be recognized and used in EN note creation (or email)

5 votes

I would love to be able to forward my reminders into Evernote using their system which allows creation and filing of notes within Evernote (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347).
Specifically I want to be able to create a reminder by using your convenient Bell icon to direct a note. For those messages (only, not all emailed Rockbook notes), I want to specify a custom email subject line to create the reminder.
In an ideal world I'd use your ## tag notification and have TITLE as a dynamic chip option for emailing.
So: ##Note Title @MyEvernoteNotebook !07/07/2021##
Would create an email to Evernote with :
Subject: Note Title @MyEvernoteNotebook !07/07/2021

If their API allows you to create the notes with a the reminder, so much the better. Obviously in these notes, you'd strip the Evernote metadata out of the note title for internal Rockbook use.
If you could incorporate EV tags too - e.g. #TAGNAME, that would be great.

Under consideration App Feature Suggested by: Nigel Upvoted: 21 Aug, '21 Comments: 0

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