Alarm/Alert Intergration

30 votes

I've seen how you can use the pound sign to read your writing and use it to title projects. I'm on the road all day for work and get calls from customers and I have to jot down notes, usually reminders to send certain products on certain days, etc. It would be cool to have a symbol that woulf trigger the app to read it and say I wrote " Thursday morning 6:00, don't forget to grab a 6 pack of new product for Brown's " and maybe within the app, or it could auto set an alarm in my calendar on my phone. Or maybe it sends me a text at the time I set, extra reminder to make sure I get my stuff done. You could set easy alarms for stuff coming up with your kids, work stuff, school.

Under consideration App Feature App Integration Suggested by: Danny Upvoted: 13 Apr Comments: 1

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