App Feature: Destination Confirmation on Review Screen

11 votes

When going through the process of scanning pages, I often get anxiety as I'm about to hit the Send button. I can change the file name and review my document here, but there's nothing confirming my destination.

It’d be awesome to have another block/row below the file name that confirms the destination. I’d imagine it would look just like one of the rows on the Destinations page/tab
(Icon + Service being connected to) and it would convey: “We detected you filled out the [diamond/clover] so we’re sending this scan to your [email/Google Drive/etc].”

The block would also let you change/override the destination if you accidentally colored in the wrong icon or changed your mind.

This small change would give me the reassurance I want that I'm doing everything right and wouldn't add very much complexity to the user experience.

Under consideration App Feature Suggested by: Rex Upvoted: 05 Dec, '22 Comments: 3

Comments: 3