Ability to Tag or Label Scans in History
Ability to add tags to scans (or by title in the note with OCR recognized symbol '#') or by adding it to the destination option (let say Evernote meeting notebook and tag #meeting #Boss name etc.) third option is to add it while changing the name of the scan before sending (filename +tag1 + tag2 .. --> send), as most apps have a built-in tag identifier in mail this should be feasible.
Or, possibly an in app folder system? Any way to better organize scans within the Rocketbook app.
Comments: 5
08 Oct, '21
Kelley U. AdminAwesome feedback, we're happy to have made this a reality!
Check out our new Smart Tags feature: https://rocketbookhelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409026100375-Smart-Tags -
09 Oct, '21
FranckGreat ! Thank you very much to the Rocketbook staff !!
02 Nov, '21
angieI think it would be better if the smart tag can also be added directly on the page you are scanning as suggested - like #meeting #boss instead of adding it after scanning which add an extra step to the work flow
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15 Nov, '21
Julie DI'm happy the Smart Tags feature has been added; however, the way it shows up on the app is an issue - it is on the righthand side and therefore truncates the view of the filename. As I frequently have handwriting recognition errors with my ##DAYMONTHDATEYEARxyz## naming (bad handwriting on my part), I need to review the filename and having to select it and scroll adds more clicks. I'm usually scanning the entire notebook in a batch as I have a backup notebook so I can work in one while the other is full, so the faster I can scan and save (with the correct filename) the better. Providing either a proactive Tag step like angie suggests in the 02 Nov comment, or putting it on a separate line from the title would be awesome, please!!!
18 Feb, '22
NatI want to write my tags in the notes, not have to mess with them after scanning.