Genealogy Page Templates
Pages related to genealogy research, such as ancestor charts, individual worksheets, relationship charts, census worksheets, etc.
Comments: 2
15 Oct, '22
A.M.GrossI purchased my first Rocketbook today for the specific purpose of using it to aid my genealogy research. One of the first things I intend to do is make three templates: (1) Source Research template - source name, location, a place to log all the items I search for in that source, a list of positive and negative search results; (2) A basic source citation grid to help me formulate proper citations and keep notes on why I might have modified that structure for any given source; and (3) A source review checklist customized to my needs, to help remind me to record all information from documents.
02 Feb, '23
WendyJust got on the Rocket Book band wagon and mainly purchased it because it could be reused. I have reams and reams of sheets/notes/charts etc. But now I having to figure out how to make standard looking templates to keep doing my genealogy research rolling. Would be first in line to buy these templates!!!